It is essential that you provide Rosebells labour hire brokers with a detailed job description for all job categories to enable Rosebells hire brokers in conjunction with yourselves to establish the key performance elements of each job. These job descriptions will be made part of the contractual agreement between Rosebells hire labour brokers and workers.
Rosebells hire labour has a number of key recruitment standards when screening and employing new workers to ensure quality staff. Some keys issues are as follows:
- Contract workers, South African citizens and in possessions of and accepted only they are able to produce a permanent residence certificate or confirmation of it printed in Passport.
- Must apply contactable telephone and address of relative not living with him.
- Must be visually, physically fit and not respond in the affirmative to the health problems listed on the application form.
- Must be able to speak and understand English. Those candidates with matric are preferred.
- No criminal record of theft, violence, assault, murder or abuse of substances.
- References must confirm clear record in the following: drinking, drug habits, shortages, theft, and preventable accidents.
- Never been dismissed for reasons, which would affect his work performance.
- No apparent, poor attitude displayed in terms of completion of forms and tests, nor treatment of recruitment officers.
- Current valid drivers license in the category in which the driver is to operate the vehicle.
- Current valid forklift permit or professional driving permit in the category in which the driver is to operate a forklift.
- Current valid public driving permit or professional driving permit in the category which the driver is to operate his vehicle.
- Code 10 drivers and forklift operators must have a minimum 6 months driving experience acquired within the last 9 months in the license category they are to drive.
- Code 14 drivers must have minimum one-year experience acquired in the last 18 months in his license category.
- Successful drivers must pass general knowledge test applicable to his category,
- No record of endorsement of licence.
Should you have any further standards specifically related to different job requirements to be addressed, Rosebells labour brokers will be pleased to include them. You may also wish to adapt the above to meet with your own standards.
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